Hello everybody, my name is Marco Giuliano and I was born in
Rome on 18 october 1959, for all my life I have been in contact with the sea.
Since 1989 scuba diving and underwater photography have absorbed me completely, and since then they are managing my thoughts and lifestyle more than I could ever imagine.
In 1992 I became PADI instructor, and since that moment I have been trying to share my passion with as many people as I can.
Sea represents for me the wideness of its surface, the blue of the abyss, the curiosity for any of its inhabitants. It is the strenght that it shows in rough days, and the quiet that it gifts me with at down just by looking at it from far away. It is the consciousness that I can submerge myself in it anytime I want knowing that it will accept me, because we respect eachother.
...I left and came back many times, I cried for moving meetings and for the same reason I laughed, I met exceptional people as well as mediocre people, people not worthy of the sea, I made friendships that will stay forever and unpleasant acquaintances.
I have navigated several seas, and from all of them I took back fabulous images and unforgettable memories both in my mind and on the film. I had the chance to know habits, foods and religions of different populations and with them I lived and cooperated.
I have started the two nikonos III and V before, then my loyal Nikon RSs along with a 13mm, a 20/35, a macro 50mm, a 28mm and a teleconverter 2x, and several flashes with different power and temperature. For some years I've produced arms for underwater cameras that I wanted to call "Aracnobracci" (i.e. spider arms).
In the digital era, I've had a little Sony and later a Subal with D300 and then Nauticam with D800.
Among all this I wanted to teach and share my passion with as many people as possible and so I founded the "Centro Sub Monte Conero", against the skepticism of all the people that didn't think that the italian Adriatic sea was suitable for scuba diving.
In those few minutes underwater I live in another dimension, surrounded by an incredible energy, and the smile of the people with me satisfies me totally.
I am a really lucky man: I can do what I love the most!
After thousands of dives I'm not tired yet, instead, I get recharged everytime I dive free from the problems, the evil of the world, the noises, from everything that bothers me.
To all the good people that I met so far I send a warm greeting, and to the ones I haven't met yet...see you soon around the world!!
Since 1989 scuba diving and underwater photography have absorbed me completely, and since then they are managing my thoughts and lifestyle more than I could ever imagine.
In 1992 I became PADI instructor, and since that moment I have been trying to share my passion with as many people as I can.
Sea represents for me the wideness of its surface, the blue of the abyss, the curiosity for any of its inhabitants. It is the strenght that it shows in rough days, and the quiet that it gifts me with at down just by looking at it from far away. It is the consciousness that I can submerge myself in it anytime I want knowing that it will accept me, because we respect eachother.
...I left and came back many times, I cried for moving meetings and for the same reason I laughed, I met exceptional people as well as mediocre people, people not worthy of the sea, I made friendships that will stay forever and unpleasant acquaintances.
I have navigated several seas, and from all of them I took back fabulous images and unforgettable memories both in my mind and on the film. I had the chance to know habits, foods and religions of different populations and with them I lived and cooperated.
I have started the two nikonos III and V before, then my loyal Nikon RSs along with a 13mm, a 20/35, a macro 50mm, a 28mm and a teleconverter 2x, and several flashes with different power and temperature. For some years I've produced arms for underwater cameras that I wanted to call "Aracnobracci" (i.e. spider arms).
In the digital era, I've had a little Sony and later a Subal with D300 and then Nauticam with D800.
Among all this I wanted to teach and share my passion with as many people as possible and so I founded the "Centro Sub Monte Conero", against the skepticism of all the people that didn't think that the italian Adriatic sea was suitable for scuba diving.
In those few minutes underwater I live in another dimension, surrounded by an incredible energy, and the smile of the people with me satisfies me totally.
I am a really lucky man: I can do what I love the most!
After thousands of dives I'm not tired yet, instead, I get recharged everytime I dive free from the problems, the evil of the world, the noises, from everything that bothers me.
To all the good people that I met so far I send a warm greeting, and to the ones I haven't met yet...see you soon around the world!!
Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Marco Giuliano e sono nato a Roma il 18/10/1959 e da quando sono
nato sono stato sempre a contatto con il
mare .
Ho iniziato tardi, purtroppo, ma dal 1989 la subacquea e la
fotografia subacquea mi ha preso totalmente e sta gestendo da allora i miei
pensieri ed il mio modo di vivere più di quanto io sia in grado di immaginare.
Nel 1992 sono diventato istruttore PADI e da allora cerco di
trasmettere la mia passione a quante più persone sia possibile.
Il mare rappresenta per me,la vastità della superficie che
ricopre, il colore blu degli abissi, la
curiosità per tutti gli esseri viventi
in esso contenuti ,è la forza che
sprigiona nei giorni di tempesta, è la quiete che mi dona al tramonto e
all’alba solo guardando lontano, e il sapere di potermi immergere dentro di lui
tutte le volte che voglio sapendo che mi accetta perchè ci rispettiamo.
…e poi sono partito e tornato tante volte ,ho pianto per
incontri emozionanti ed ho riso per lo stesso motivo, ho conosciuto persone
eccezionali ,persone mediocri ,persone non degne del mare, ho fatto amicizie
che rimarranno e conoscenze sgradevoli, ho solcato parecchi mari e da tutti ho
riportato immagini stupende e ricordi indelebili nella mia mente e su
pellicola, ho avuto modo di conoscere usanze, cibo e religioni di popoli
diversi dal mio ,con essi ho interagito e collaborato per quanto ho potuto.
Mi hanno sempre accompagnato in questo mio peregrinare prima
le nikonos III e la V poi le mie due
fedeli Nikon RS accompagnate da un 13mm, un 20/35, un 50mm macro, un 28mm ed
una lente duplicatore e vari flash che nell’arco di questi anni si sono
avvicendati per potenza, temperatura, per qualche anno ho prodotto bracci per fotocamere subacquee ai quali ho
voluto dare il nome di Aracnobracci.
Poi l’era del digitale, una piccola Sony e poi scafandri,
prima una Subal con D300 e poi Nauticam con D 800
In mezzo a tutto ciò ho, voluto insegnare e condividere con
quante più persone possibili questa mia
passione ed allora ho fondato quello che oggi e da sempre si chiama “Centro Sub
Monte Conero”, contro lo scetticismo di tutti quelli che non consideravano idoneo per la subacquea il mare
Adriatico italiano .
Vivo in quei pochi minuti d’immersione, un altra dimensione
avvolto da un energia incredibile, ed il sorriso di chi è con me mi soddisfa
totalmente , sono un uomo veramente fortunato : posso fare quello che mi piace
di più !
Dopo migliaia immersioni non sono ancora stufo, anzi, mi
ricarico ogni volta che scendo li sotto, libero dai problemi quotidiani, dalle
infamie del mondo, dai rumori , da tutto ciò che mi disturba.
A tutte le persone degne che ho incontrato sino ad oggi
mando un saluto affettuoso e a tutti quelli che ancora non ho incontrato, ci
vediamo presto in giro per il mondo !!
Buone Bolle Marco